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Monday, June 13, 2005

Special Guest Post 

(With the summer movie season coming up, my kid brother Andy insisted on sharing with the world his thoughts on upcoming summer blockbusters. In order to keep peace in the family I've once again relented. I did make him take a class in html coding so that he'd at least learn some basic tags, but it conflicted with his Enterprise schedule so he dropped out of the class half-way through. I've also made him promise not to, under any circumstances, change my logo or layout again.)

My plans for the sumer by Andy Wright
Ilove going to the movies in the summer thats the time that ll the sutdios put out all they're good films If your a big film fan like me thats the best time to go cause all the other people are theyr'e to enjoy the films along with you Its really cool

War of the Worlds should be really good its probably going to be like the bestest film of all summer You know why cause Steven Speilstein is liek the greatest director of all time even better than George Lucas His movies just have such a real emotional core and lots of action and thats what i like in fim.s Like Tom Cruise trying to save his daughter from martions that reminds me of the time I had to save my gameboy frm some bullies back in middle school And he is such a good actor to Ihope he treats Katie Homes nice She's a good girl and she deserves to gbe taken care of. Dori just laughs whenver I mention what a nice couple they make I don't knwo why hes weird sometimes

Jessica Alba is so freaking hot in Fantastic Four I don't know what to tell you This movie looks so good Michael Chiklis is so good as Ben Grimm and that guy from Charmed is the bad guy sho you know they went all out on the casting to get a guy like him in the movie. Plus it is a movie based on a Marvel Comic and its just not possible to make a bad movie based on a marvel comic because the material is so good to begin with it transends all genres

I'll probably go so DaVinci Code because Ron Howard and Tom Hanks are really cool and my girlfriend Alis (that's how she spells it, we met at the Hot Topic she works at. She's really sweet and you barely notice the lazy eye) thinks I should broaden my horizons a little and so I've been going to a lot more documentaries like this and Amityville Horror

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory should be really good too Johnny Depp is like the best actor of all time and Alis really likes him too. We've already got this one marked on all out calanders to be sur that we go see it togheter which is kind of pissing off my friend Jerry cause I usually go to the movies with him but he'll have to live wtih it because part of a relationship is comproomise and so that means sometimes I have to go see a movie with Alis instad of him

I'll make it up to him and so gee The devil rejects with him though because we're both big Whit Zombie fans and so this should be really good House of 100 Corpses was like the best horror movie since I know what you did last summer and even though it was waymore gory than i like we'll go see this.

I love it when the remake old tv shows as movies so I'm gong to go see Bewitched I always thought Jeannie was hotter than Samantha but Will Ferrell is so funny and Nicole Kidman is hot so we'll go see this I think Alis thinks Will Ferrell is hot too

I don't really like Ewan Macgregory I think he acts to much and he was the worst thing in Revnege of the Sith but Island by Michael Bay is going to be great Bay is almost as good a director as Speilstein and Lucas and I went to see Armageddon twicw on opening day and i really want to see his Transformers movie because real-life transformers would be fricken sweet I wish I had one I'd really like it if my Geo Metro turned into somethign that looked like Bumblee Bee I always liked Bumblee Bee because he didn't let the fact that he was small discourage him He was a good role model for kids because he said it was okay to be different

I don't think I'll go sees Lions Witchs and Bears, Oh My, because it's British and looks sort of like a rip off of Lord of the Rigns

And I won'g go see Moving Castle because I don't know who this Howl guy directing it is, Seems kind of silly to me to go around with only one name &unless your Chere aor Madonna ha ha) but its animay and I don't like that stuff its too weird and its all about Catholic school girls having sex with tentacles and I dont think kids should see that sort of thing

I like comic books movies but I don't think i'll go see History of Violence because it doesn't look like a Marvel comic so it probably wont be any good The last movie I saw based on an indy comic was Constantin and it was okay but i didn't understand it It was like they were trying to remake A Daimon Hellstorm comic but why didn't they just make a Son of Satan movie then.

Jessica Simpson is really hot so I'll go see Dukes of Hazzard plus its based on a tv show so itll be good because movies based on tv shows are always good because the tv writer already did the hard work and now the movie writers can just build on that

I'm going to go see Deuce Bigalow 2 becaus Rob Schneider is really funny

the movie i'm most looking forward to is Stealth this is probably going to be the best movie of the year and probably make the most money all summer I wouldn't be surprise if it sets some kins of box office record It such a cool concept Robot planes turning evil it s original and plausible which is the best aspecs of good science fiction is stuff that could actually happena nd planes are so advanced right now i bet it could happen Dor just looks at me funny when I start talking about his movie though I think he said I shold go talk to Mike becaus e Mike rally wants to see it too, which is good because Mike generally doenst like any good movies so that he wants to see this one is a sign that his taste is improving

I'm going to take the day off work to go see Land of the Dead because its Zombies and it the last part of the Night of Living Dead series and so thisis like the Revenge of the Sith for horror movies and we finally get to find out what hapened to make all the zomibies come to life. plus its zombies and zombies are always good and will always be goodand there no way that peopel are ever going to be tired of seeing movies about zombies

I got all excited when I heard theere was this movei coming out called Murderball because I thoughht it was like a horor movie about baseball but no its about guys in wheelchairs playing basketball It doesnt even look like theres any murders in it so i think I'll pass

There are only two movies comig out that relly look like they suck one of them is Batman Begins I don't know why they want to make another movie about Batman the last one was so bad it just reminds you how lousy the character is and how much of a rip off of Blue Bettle he really is. Plus they got some skinny british gyy to play him and thats weird becasue Barman is supposed to be American, or did they make him British after the Identity Crisis or something (i didn't read it because i don't like DC books they aren't as good as Marvel) and i saw the trailer and Gotham doesn't look cool like it looke din the other movies it just looks liek a regular city and they changed all the actors again and now Harvey Dent is back but Morgan Freeman is playing him and the guys playing Batman has a funny voice I also think the new batmobile looks really lame it looks like a tank which is just dumb. Dori looked at me funny when i first said that and asked me 'what would you prefer an el camino with a giant bat head or the phallus with wheels from the other films" and I said no, the el camino would be cool, but not a phallus, because an SUV batmobile would look just as dumb as this tank one.

The other movie that looks really bad is 40 year old virgin which is just an insult ot comic fans It's like a hate crime or something cause all the film is doing is saying that comic fans are lame and all virgins and that an insulting stereotype some of us are saving ourselves for marriage like it says in the Bible. So I started an on-line petition to get the theaters to stop showing the movie because it is so hateful and this is the best way to get our message out there that we as comic book fans are sick and tired of these hateful carrycatures of us we see in the media


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